Author: Kate

  • One Year Later–Reflections

    On Halloween night of 2022, I started writing the Coven redraft. Prior to this, I had been considering, once again, throwing in the towel and giving up. I wrote a page or two that night, just to say I started on Halloween. While I slogged along at first, eventually it went places I never expected.…

  • More on Writing

    I thought I should take some time to explain a little bit more about my writing. I have a few primary focuses–genre bending, psychologically complex characters, and interpersonal relationships I call myself a writing anarchist. That meaning, I don’t like to fit into genre boxes or maintain certain arbitrary standards. I write what I want…

  • An Introduction

    I’m Kate. I’ve been writing since the early 2000s, when I was 7 or 8. I started out writing short stories and trying to recreate whodunit mysteries ala Nancy Drew. Since then, I have vastly expanded my horizons and written in a variety of other genres. I created this website as a place for me…